Below are our library policies, please go over these with your student(s):
- Kindergarten students begin checking out books after the Winter Break. They choose 1 book each week which is kept at school in the classroom.
- First grade checks out only 1 book per week after Fall Break and the book is kept at school in the classroom.
- Grades 2-6 may check out 1 book at their Reading Counts level each week. Students with good behavior and no overdue books may earn the privilege to check out an extra book of their choice. Additional books may also be checked out for specific school projects if requested by the teacher.
- Two renewals are allowed.
- Students may not check out new materials until overdue materials are returned.
- 1st week - Student is given a verbal reminder
- 2nd week - A written notice is given
- 3rd week - An overdue notice is mailed
- 4th week - Phone call or email to parent/guardian
Lost and Damaged BooksDamaged or lost books must be reimbursed at our cost to replace it. A $5.00 fine will be charged for removal of any barcode or tampering of labels.
Remember, privileges are lost for check out due to non-returned items, fines not paid, and misbehavior in the library.